Wednesday, December 17, 2008

One Step Closer....

Yesterday we had our home study.

This is the second time that it has been rescheduled, and I am glad that we FINALLY made it! One more visit is scheduled for next week. Our older children will be chatted with. They are a little nervous. I think they view it as an interrogation, when actually it was very relaxed. We had coffee and chatted. Easy enough!

We started this whole journey to "M" in mid September. Our application was filed, references contacted, and fingerprint cards requested. Andy and I were told that it would be possible to have him placed in our family by Christmas. After jumping through numerous hoops, and 3 different caseworkers, we are told more likely late January.

We were fortunate enough to meet this little 3 year old, when our daughter started preschool a few days a week. Gabrielle no longer attends that program (wasn't a good fit for her), and we have stopped contact with "M" to eliminate any attachment issues that may arise if in deed, this does not work out FOR HIM.

Parental rights have been terminated late November, and he has an Aunt that has just now decided to "throw her hat into the ring". I have been assured that this may not be the best fit for "M" and his needs. So Andy and I continue to plug away.

We have told all of our children, of course, and they have no idea what is taking so long. It is amazing, and touching, how our children are so willing to welcome ANOTHER child. Even this child with special needs.

So, we continue to mull through the bureaucratic "junk", and hope. Hope for the day we will have "M" here with us.  Hope for his happiness. Hope for a Merry Christmas for him.

Hope for a family for "M" .



Janell said...

What a wonderful opportunity! We would still LOVE to adopt one day! Blessings to you and your family!

BTW...I LOVED the Baby poopie story~! It cracked me up (no pun intended!) =]

Lipstick Jungle said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! That is so exciting!

Lisa said...

Hi Corrine!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and I'm tickled to have the chance to get to know you. Can't wait to know more. I'll be catching up!