Monday, June 8, 2009

Lady of Wisdom

I went on a field trip today, with my son's 5th grade class.

We spent the day in our state's capital. It was so much fun. I have been there before, but never with Ty. I must say I was geared up for a day full of history and many yawns.

Surprisingly, NOT!

I spent the day with my 11 year old son, who was stuck to my hip like glue (smile). He ate lunch with me and put his arm around my waist when hearing a tour guide ramble on about bone needle embroidery (I guess he will never work in textiles).

I even learned a few things. For example...

There were 1200 females working in shoe shops in the 1950's. The tourmaline is the Maine state gem stone.Portland was the original capital of Maine. You can eat cattails and frog grapes. AND TY HAS A GIRLFRIEND. Her name is Mikayla, and she is sweet and pretty. He sat with me at lunch, however (smile).


Melissa said...

Sounds like a wonderful day. And a beautiful day for a field trip!! I have been on every field trip my kids have been on. It's so much fun to experience those things with them, and to share that time with them.

Lisa said...

Smart guy that Ty!

obladi oblada said...

Glad that you had a good time! Ive been to many places in Maine, but never to the capital.

Marie said...

Sounds like such fun. Our girls have been having their field trips and my husband has gone with them. Such memories!

He and I just spent a good hour researching crafts or activities from India for the International Day our second grader is doing on Friday. We learned about a whole new holiday we never heard of before - Diwali. They decided to do rangoli, basically pattern coloring sheets.

The cool things you get to do when you have kids! I'm seriously looking forward to our Hannah Montana time in just a few minutes!

Joanna Jenkins said...

Sounds like a perfect day. And isn't it sweet he sat with you and not the girlfriend :-))