Wednesday, April 29, 2009

And so it goes...again!

I got an email from "M's" caseworker. You all remember this boy?
They were going to place him with his not-so-fit (in my opinion) Biological Aunt and Uncle. Well something is up....

The email stated that he was going to be reevaluated by his doc. They were waiting for results of that. She was torn about his case. The home environment that would best suit his needs...or biological family. The caseworker asked that Andy and I "keep in touch".

Just another ploy to hook us. Will we be thrown back? How many chances are they going to give this family before they decide it is not right?

We have sent out queries on 5 other children. None of which happen to be in Maine.
One was sent to a "match meeting". We bowed out after a lot of consideration. This child should be the youngest. He was very jealous and needy (I would be as well, if I walked in his shoes), and wouldn't work well with 2 younger siblings. Especially a 10 month old.

I am surprised any children actually get adopted. There seems to be a never ending line of hoops to jump through. A lot of paper work to wade through...and bureaucracy.

Still there are those of us who keep plugging away. Muddling through. Hoping that someday we will be given the chance. The chance to love a child in need, and perhaps make a difference.


Lisa said...

I, too, I am shocked that any kids actually get adopted. Not to mention the waiting and no one has a sense of urgency. Ugh!

Anonymous said...

The only time one we got a kid that was moved with any sense of urgency was because he was getting kicked out of his foster home. Other than that...we wait.

I hope that whatever happens with your little man is in his best interests and not because it is the easiest thing for the state to do.

Kelly said...

We set out in the beginning to adopt an older waiting child and was told it could (would) be a very long wait for a match so we decided to foster. The little girl that we inquired about for months is still waiting...getting older and more damaged and ....waiting. It is so sad. We are greatful and thankful that God intervened in our situation and brought us 3 children younger than our youngest to foster and now hopefully adopt. After dealing with the mild (for the most part) issues that these children have we realize now that it was the best for our family. I understand your frustation and sense your passion for these children. Much patience is required for this, that's for sure.